Friday, January 8, 2010

AWACS SAAB 2000 Inducted in Pakistan Airforce

Pakistan has acquired its first Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft ‘SAAB 2000‘ from Sweden. The aircraft will be used for aerial surveillance and will also enhance the operational capabilities of Pakistan’s air force.
About AWACS a.k.a AEW &C:
It is an airborne radar system designed to detect aircraft. Used at a high altitude, the radars allow the operators to distinguish between friendly and hostile aircraft hundreds of miles away. AEW&C aircraft are used for defensive and offensive air operations. The system is used offensively to direct fighters to their target locations, and defensively to counter attacks. It can also be used to carry out surveillance, and C2BM (command and control, battle management) functions.
This system will be installed on SAAB 2000 aircraft, which Pakistan Air Force negotiated with Sweden. Pakistan will recieved 5 of these aircrafts with the AWACS system installed. 

Ilyshin Il-78: Aerial Refuelling Aircraft Joins Pakistan Air Force

Great news for Pakistan Armed forces as the first aircraft tanker for aerial refueling has arrived in Pakistan at Air Force operational base. Ilyushin Il-78 is the aircraft that Pakistan has bought from Ukraine and Pakistan will receive three more aircraft tankers in the next year 2010. Pakistan’s defence capability will be significantly enhanced with the inclusion of the refueling aircraft in PAF fleet.  Some details of this aircraft are following;

General characteristics
* Crew: Six
* Capacity: 138,000 kg (304,233 lb) of fuel
* Length: 46.59 m (152 ft 10 in)
* Wingspan: 50.50 m (165 ft 8 in)
* Height: 14.76 m (37 ft 1 in)
* Wing area: 300 m² (3,230 ft²)
* Empty weight: 72,000 kg (202,821 lb)
* Useful load: 85,720 kg (188,980 lb)
* Max takeoff weight: 210,000 kg (462,962 lb)
* Powerplant: 4× Aviadvigatel D-30 KP turbofan engines, 118 kN (26,500 lbf) each
* Special equipment: 3 x UPAZ-1M ‘Sakhalin’, (oonifitseerovannyy podvesnoy agregaht zaprahvki - standardised suspended refuelling unit), refuelling pods; Two on pylons under the outer wings, and the third on the port side of the rear fuselage.

PAF Eyeing J-10 or FC-20 Fighter Jets From China

China and Pakistan over the years have forged a formidable partnership in high-tech defense production. The recent revelation that the Chinese have agreed to the sale of 36 J-10B (FC-20)fighter jets to Pakistan is another sign of this ever growing partnership between the two Nuclear armed neighbors. China’s sale of the J-10 fighters to Pakistan, however, signals the depth of its strategic alliance with Pakistan. Pakistan will be the first country to receive the most advanced Chinese aircraft, which speaks volumes to Chinese faith in its strategic partnership with Pakistan.

The boundary of this collaboration in recent years have really expanded , Jf17Thunder ,F22-p Frigates to name a few.  The latest deal of buying J10 fighter jets for PAF from China was reportedly sealed for a massive $1.4 Billion. The number of aircrafts Pakistan would be buying are not known at the moment. Research at the James foundation does reveal some figures;
The deal marks the depth of a strategic alliance between Beijing and Islamabad. Some reports suggest that Pakistan is actually seeking 150 J-10 fighter jets, which go by Chengdu Jian-10 in China and F-10 in Pakistan, for a sum of $6 billion (The Hindu, November 11). The Pakistani government, however, dismisses such reports as inflated (Financial Times, November 10). Although Pakistan has not yet made the deal public, its prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, on November 23, confirmed that “his country is in talks with China for securing the J-10s” . Pakistan turned to China for these aircraft in 2006 after it failed to secure the F-16s from the United States (Dawn, May 1, 2006). General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s former military ruler, who negotiated the deal during his visit to China in 2006, is the real architect of this

UPDATE Pentagon Says Pakistan Fired On U.S. Aircraft, Expects Explanation - With Video

Still waiting to hear from the Paki Government….
1:00 PM PST
Pakistani troops fire on US helicopters at border
KABUL, Afghanistan - Pakistani troops fired at American reconnaissance helicopters near the Afghan-Pakistan border Thursday, and ground troops then exchanged fire, the U.S. military said.
No injuries were reported, but the incident heightened tensions as the U.S. steps up cross-border operations in a volatile region known as a haven for Taliban and al-Qaida militants.
Two American OH-58 reconnaissance helicopters, known as Kiowas, were on a routine afternoon patrol in the eastern province of Khost when they received small-arms fire from a Pakistani border post, said Tech Sgt. Kevin Wallace, a U.S. military spokesman. There was no damage to aircraft or crew, officials said.
U.S. Central Command spokesman Rear Adm. Greg Smith said Pakistan and American ground troops exchanged fire after Pakistani forces shot at the helicopters.
He said a joint patrol of Americans and Afghan border police was moving about a mile and a half inside Afghanistan with the helicopters above them. The ground troops reported that Pakistani forces fired toward the helicopters and when they saw that happen, they fired off suppression rounds toward the hilltop.
They did so, Smith said from Centcom headquarters in Tampa, Fla., “to make certain that they (the Pakistanis) realized they should stop shooting.”
The Pakistani border patrol forces then shot back down on the joint location of the U.S.-Afghan patrol. “The whole thing lasted five minutes,” Smith said.
The Pakistani military, however, said its troops fired warning shots after the helicopters crossed “well within” Pakistani territory.
“On this, the helicopters returned fire and flew back,” the Pakistani military said in an English-language statement.
And in New York, Pakistan’s new president, Asif Ali Zardari, said his military fired only “flares” at foreign helicopters that he claimed strayed across the border from Afghanistan.
Zardari said his forces fired only as a way “to make sure that they know that they crossed the border line.”
“Sometimes the border is so mixed that they don’t realize they have crossed the border,” he told reporters before he began a meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
The Pakistani military said the matter was “being resolved” in consultations between the army and the NATO force in Afghanistan. A NATO statement said the militaries were “working together to resolve the matter.”
The U.S. has stepped up attacks on suspected militants in the frontier area, mostly by missiles fired from unmanned drones operating from Afghanistan. The incursions — especially a ground raid into South Waziristan by American commandos Sept. 3 — have angered many Pakistanis.
Pakistani army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said last week that Pakistani field commanders have previously tolerated international forces crossing a short way into Pakistan because of the ill-defined and contested nature of the mountainous frontier.
“But after the (Sept. 3) incident, the orders are clear,” Abbas said. “In case it happens again in this form, that there is a very significant detection, which is very definite, no ambiguity, across the border, on ground or in the air: open fire.”
On Wednesday, Pakistan’s army said it had found the wreckage of a suspected surveillance drone in South Waziristan, but denied claims by Pakistani intelligence officials that troops and local people shot down the aircraft.
In Washington, Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said the coalition immediately requested an explanation from Pakistan for what he described as a “troubling” incident.
“It would be fairly hard to mistake a helicopter flying in that region as anything but ISAF or U.S.,” Whitman said.
He said militants have always tried to exploit the border region.
“It’s a challenge along the border and that’s why we continue to look for ways to improve our coordination,” Whitman said.
Asked how Pakistani forces could mistake U.S. helicopters for enemy forces — especially since Taliban and al-Qaida forces don’t have aircraft — Whitman said: “Only Pakistan can articulate their intent.”
Pakistani civilian leaders have condemned the cross-border operations by U.S. forces, which have been authorized by President Bush, while the army has vowed to defend Pakistan’s territory “at all cost.”
“We will not tolerate any act against our sovereignty and integrity in the name of the war against terrorism,” Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told journalists Wednesday. “We are fighting extremism and terror not for any another country, but our own country. This is our own war.”
Pakistan’s tribal areas have become a breeding ground for Taliban and al-Qaida militants, who are launching attacks inside Pakistan but also across the border into Afghanistan, where the levels of violence have reached record heights since the ouster of the Taliban from power in the U.S.-led invasion in 2001.
More than 4,600 people — mostly militants — have died this year in insurgency-related violence in Afghanistan, and the levels of violence in the eastern Afghanistan are 30 percent higher compared to the same period last year, officials say.

Oerlikon 35mm Twin Cannon:

Oerlikon 35mm Twin Cannon:
Oerlikon 35mm Twin Cannon - Camouflaged
The Oerlikon 35 mm twin cannon is a towed anti-aircraft gun made by Oerlikon-Contraves. The system was originally designated as 2 ZLA/353 ML but this was later changed to GDF-001. It was developed in the late 1950s and is used by around 30 countries. The system uses 35 mm autocannons, which were originally designated 353 MK and are now designated as the KD series. The same KD series 35 mm cannons are used in the Leopard tank based Gepard and T-55 based Marksman self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. The system could be paired with the off-gun Super Fledermaus fire control radar, which in the late 1970s was upgraded to the Skyguard system.
In 1980 an upgraded model, the GDF-002 was produced, which featured an improved sight, and the ability to be directed by an off-gun digital control system. A few years later a third version of the system was being produced, the GDF-003, which was broadly similar to the GDF-002, but included some enhancements like self-lubricating weapons and integrated protective covers.
In 1985 a further upgraded model was produced, the GDF-005, which was introduced, featuring the Gunking 3D computer-controlled sight with an integrated laser range-finder and digital control system. The guns are usually transported by a 5-tonne 6×6 truck.
Pakistan operates 200 aging Oerlikon GDF-002 35mm AAA guns and an unknown quantity of the more modern GDF-005 version. Although both are potent against helicopters and low flying aircraft they are not fitted with the advanced AHEAD anti-missile rounds and do not present a credible defense against missile attack. These weapons are radar controlled with SkyGuard I fire control radars. Pakistan also recently procured at least 6 more SkyGuard radars although the exact version of these is unclear. Pakistan also has a number of Swedish Giraffe 75 mast mounted radars although it is not clear if these are integrated with the SkyGuard systems. (Pak Defence Forum)