Friday, January 8, 2010

AWACS SAAB 2000 Inducted in Pakistan Airforce

Pakistan has acquired its first Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft ‘SAAB 2000‘ from Sweden. The aircraft will be used for aerial surveillance and will also enhance the operational capabilities of Pakistan’s air force.
About AWACS a.k.a AEW &C:
It is an airborne radar system designed to detect aircraft. Used at a high altitude, the radars allow the operators to distinguish between friendly and hostile aircraft hundreds of miles away. AEW&C aircraft are used for defensive and offensive air operations. The system is used offensively to direct fighters to their target locations, and defensively to counter attacks. It can also be used to carry out surveillance, and C2BM (command and control, battle management) functions.
This system will be installed on SAAB 2000 aircraft, which Pakistan Air Force negotiated with Sweden. Pakistan will recieved 5 of these aircrafts with the AWACS system installed.